
Why should I use time-travel?

Writing good tests can sometimes be a bit tricky, especially when you are testing code that uses a lot of I/O and has hard timing constraints.

The naïve approach for testing such code is to actually wait for the time to pass. This is bad. Horribly bad. Why?

  1. Tests shouldn’t take long.
  2. Time is not accurate. When you wait for timeouts, there’s always a threshold. If your code expects exactly 5 seconds to pass, there’s no guarantee that time.sleep will wait exactly that long.

If you rely on timing in your tests - your build will never be reliable.

How does it work?

When loaded, the library mocks modules that access the machine’s time (e.g. time, datetime) and I/O event handlers (e.g. poll, select) and replaces them with an internal event-pool implementation that lets the user choose when time moves forward and which I/O event will happen next.

The TimeTravel Context Manager

class time_travel.TimeTravel(start_time=86400.0, **kwargs)[source]

Context-manager for patching time and I/O libraries.


The initial time for the clock is set to 86,400 seconds since epoc. This is because Windows does not support any lower values. Sorry UNIX users!


The way the context manager works is that it changes references to patched objects in loaded modules. By default time-travel searches through every loaded module in sys.modules. This takes around 2 seconds.

Wait!! Don’t leave yet!! We managed to solve this!!!

To minimize search time, time_travel.TimeTravel gets a keyword argument named modules_to_patch, which is a list of module names to search in.

For example, let’s say you’re testing a module named foobar:

import foobar

with TimeTravel(modules_to_patch=['foobar']) as t:

This will reduce the replace time to the bare minimum.


When the default search method is used (without the modules_to_patch argument) the following modules are skipped and not patched:

  • pytest
  • unittest
  • mock
  • threading

Moving Through Time


Return the time stored in time-travel’s internal clock.


Move time-travel’s internal clock forward by secs seconds.


Return a datetime.date object initialized to the day that time-travel’s internal clock is set to.


Return a datetime.datetime object initialized to the day that time-travel’s internal clock is set to.


Return a datetime.datetime object initialized to the time that time-travel’s internal clock is set to.


Return a datetime.datetime object initialized to the time that time-travel’s internal clock is set to (timezone naive).

Faking I/O Events

To mock I/O events, the user must tell time-travel which event will happen, for which file descriptor, and when. For that we have:

TimeTravel.add_future_event(time_from_now, fd, event)[source]

Add an event to the event pool.

  • time_from_now – When will the event happen.
  • fd – The descriptor (usually a socket object) that the event will happen for.
  • event – The event that will happen (implementation specific).

For example:

with TimeTravel() as t:
    sock = socket.socket()
    t.add_future_event(2, sock, EVENT)


EVENT is implementation specific for every event handler (select, poll, etc.) and will be described in the corresponding handler’s documentation.

select.select(rlist, wlist, xlist, timeout=None)

Mimics the behaviour of select.select.

select has no event types, it uses positional lists in order to distinguish between read-ready, write-ready and exception. TimeTravel.add_future_event() requires an event type, so the following consts are provided:

  • TimeTravel.event_types.select.READ
  • TimeTravel.event_types.select.WRITE
  • TimeTravel.event_types.select.EXCEPTIONAL

The mock returns the first event(s) that expire in the event pool and moves time forward to that point in time. For example, if the user added 2 events:

t.add_future_event(1, sock1, t.event_types.select.READ)
t.add_future_event(2, sock2, t.event_types.select.READ)

Calling select.select([sock1, sock2], [], []) will return an rlist containing only sock1 and the time will move forward by 1 second.


Return a MockPollObject that behaves exactly like the real Poll object.


This patcher is not supported on Windows.

class MockPollObject(clock, event_pool)

A mock poll object.

MockPollObject.modify(fd, eventmask)

Modify an already registered fd’s event mask.


Poll the set of registered file descriptors.

timeout is a value in milliseconds.

MockPollObject.register(fd, eventmask=None)

Register a file descriptor with the fake polling object.


Remove a file descriptor tracked by the fake polling object.

The event type supplied to TimeTravel.add_future_event() is the event mask that is required by poll.poll() (select.POLLIN, select.POLLOUT, etc.).