Source code for time_travel.time_travel

"""Mocking interface for python time libraries."""

import pkg_resources

from .time_machine_clock import TimeMachineClock, MIN_START_TIME
from .event_pool import EventPool

[docs]class TimeTravel(object): """Context-manager for patching time and I/O libraries.""" class EventTypes(object): """Empty class to register events types on.""" def __init__(self, start_time=MIN_START_TIME, **kwargs): """Create the patch. @start_time is time in seconds since the epoch. """ self.event_pool = EventPool() self.clock = TimeMachineClock(start_time, [self.event_pool]) patches = [] for patcher in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points( group='time_travel.patchers'): patches.append(patcher.load()) self.patches = [patcher(clock=self.clock, event_pool=self.event_pool, **kwargs) for patcher in patches] self.event_types = self.EventTypes() for patcher in self.patches: if patcher.get_events_namespace() is not None: setattr(self.event_types, patcher.get_events_namespace(), patcher.get_event_types())
[docs] def add_future_event(self, time_from_now, fd, event): """Add an event to the event pool. :param time_from_now: When will the event happen. :param fd: The descriptor (usually a socket object) that the event will happen for. :param event: The event that will happen (implementation specific). """ abs_time = self.clock.time + time_from_now self.event_pool.add_future_event(abs_time, fd, event)
def start(self): """Start all the patchers.""" for patcher in self.patches: patcher.start() def stop(self): """Stop all the patchers.""" for patcher in self.patches: patcher.stop() def __enter__(self): self.start() return self def __exit__(self, *args): self.stop()